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The Mother Of Apples

Writer's picture: Bianca Lauren HendricksBianca Lauren Hendricks

The Internet would have you believe apple cider vinegar is the new pixie dust due to its health benefits. It’s tempting to believe the Internet claims about apple cider vinegar (ACV). They sound so fantastic — even doctors can fall victim to them.

ACV is not pixie dust, but it’s also not snake oil. For those who want to try ACV, it does have some proven health benefits. Here are a few of those health benefits — and limitations — straight, no chaser.

Where does ACV come from?

Vinegar comes from the French phrase vin aigre, meaning sour wine. The sourness comes from the acetic acid. Making apple cider vinegar entails taking advantage of controlled spoilage.

Yeast digests the sugars in apples and converts them into alcohol. A bacteria, acetobacter, then turns the alcohol into acetic acid. I don’t want to get too technical, but you can call this process fermentation. The "mother" refers to the combination of yeast and bacteria formed during fermentation. If you look at an apple cider vinegar bottle, you can see strands of the "mother" floating around.

Many people attribute apple cider vinegar’s effects to the "mother." There’s some truth to this since the mother counts as a probiotic. But, the importance of the mother has not been established with research. Aside from probiotics, ACV has a vitamin profile similar to apple juice. Hence, the sour drink is ripe with B-vitamins and polyphenols (plant-based antioxidants).

All in all, the probiotics, acetic acid, and nutrients in ACV are responsible for its health benefits.

1. Apple cider vinegar can help with blood sugar control.

It’s no secret that diabetes is common in the United States and All other Continents.

The study entailed giving participants a meal composed of a bagel, OJ, and butter. After the meal, the participants received 20 grams of apple cider vinegar or a placebo. The researchers checked blood glucose levels 30 and 60 minutes after the meal.

They found that ACV significantly lowered post-meal blood glucose levels. Several other studies report similar findings.

Bottom line: ACV regulates blood levels, lowers bod glucose levels, and breaks down fat molecules that line the arteries of the heart.

So yes there are such things as good fats and bad fats.

Too much "stressed out, inhumane treatment of animals poisons the meat, what's worse is when your meat is toppled with poor quality GMO fodder and raised in poor living conditions, the meat and fat are tainted, spoiled, animals may look plump but in fact, hardly walk, so, therefore, store fat, bad fat which many humans consume.

All the toxins get stored in the body, this includes toxins from your medications, and vitamins that are looted, all these "additives" are a recipe for disaster, especially when you include poor non-nutritious foods that don't contain any antibacterial, antimicrobial properties and vitamins from healthy foods and continue to eat tainted, spoiled, contaminated food, that can trick 'le veggies, greens, and spices.

So there may be times when you exercise and you feel sick, these are toxins being released from your body's fat storage that gets used first as an energy source, that may make you feel nauseous, sick, dizzy, fatigued and out of breath, and not so much, symptoms of covid that many like to draw conclusions to and placebo them into a state of franticness that makes them worse and fatally ill.

If you suffer from diabetes, or kidney stones, disease, it will drastically alleviate kidney disease, kidney stones, as kidney stones are made of calcium, and what breaks calcium is acid(much like cleaning your kettle filled with calcium( in water), one would use lemon.) (#Moms teach us so much.)

2. Apple cider vinegar may keep the bacteria on your body from getting out of control.

The researchers treated the tainted chicken that had outgrown antibiotics (argula from malaria treatment) with a combination of lemon and vinegar. The researchers sought to see if these interventions could reduce bacterial growth in the bloodstream.

They found that both lemon juice and vinegar decreased the growth of Malaria and Salmonella. In fact, the ACV/lemon juice mixture eradicated it with consistent use of a healthy lifestyle/ not expensive lifestyle.

3. Apple cider vinegar helps eradicate {overweight} fat loss

The participants drank 5ml of ACV with lunch and dinner (a total of 1 tespoon). They also ate a diet that was 250 calories less than their daily estimated requirements. The researchers found that ACV significantly reduced weight. In fact, the people in the ACV group lost an average of 8.8 lbs over 12 weeks. On the other hand, the participants who did not receive ACV only lost 5 lbs over the 12 week study period. The researchers also found that ACV decreased cholesterol levels.

(AKA Rice Vinegar)

4. Apple cider vinegar can help cure cancer

(food management, stress, healthy mindset, belief)

Anti-bacterial is antiviral. Cancer is a mutation of a virus believe it or not.

(AKA balsamic vinegar)

Directions on use

1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar is more than enough in a glass of water a day is good enough, no need to worry about your teeth.

(It won't speed up the process, it will just be excreted out as waste)

(since your teeth are not made of calcium nor are they made of bone, and yes bone and teeth are made of very two different properties, however, similarily they both regenerate;)

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